Printed circuit board
The costum PCB can be set up to ways:
- Order the board from a manufacturing company and ask them to pre-solder the components for you.
- Order the board and all small hardware components separately, and solder it by hand. Note, this requires you to know how to solder small components.
Possible companies to order from: https://jlcpcb.com/ or https://www.pcbway.com/
- On JLCPB if the plan is to do PCBA (to assemble the components as well), better to do the instant quote https://cart.jlcpcb.com/quote
- Select the standard PCB/PCBA - By selecting PCB Assembly at the end of the quote you indicate a pre-soldered device.
- Add upload the gerber file (from the githhub link below)
Gerberfiles, schematics and BOM can be found in the github repository here: https://github.com/MIT-Senseable-City-Lab/octopus-fabrication/tree/main/hardware